Every surfer has experienced the dreaded noodle arms after not paddling for a week or two. Surfing is one of those sports that if you don’t use it, you lose it. All that hard work of getting your paddle power can quickly disappear if you don’t keep it up. On one particular surf outing, one of my friends was having a session that made her reflect on the last time she had been out surfing. Her arms quickly let her know it had been a while.
I noticed my friend struggling to get to the lineup. Although we were at a point break and there was a nice channel, the current from the swell was making it a difficult paddle. My friend was paddling with all her strength, and instead of making any progress, she was getting swept backward – away from where she needed to be. I caught up to her and told her to grab onto my leash. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to paddle us both out, but I knew I needed to do something to help. I was surprised to find myself strong enough to get us both out. Although it took me longer than usual and my arms were not happy with me, it was worth it to give my friend a chance to catch some waves. She was able to save her paddle strength for getting into the waves, and I was happy to share what strength I had.
I think we have all experienced times when we have felt like we have spiritual noodle arms. We don’t feel like we have the strength to keep paddling through the currents of life sweeping us backward. When we ask God for His strength, sometimes that strength comes from a friend helping us carry some of what we are being burdened with. We get to experience both the encouragement and endurance that Christ’s strength provides for us as we both receive help from our friends and are the helping hand to our friends in need.
Today’s encouragement is to invite a friend into what’s going on in your life and lean on them for strength. If you see a friend struggling, find ways to build them up and be an encouragement. Sometimes, it can feel awkward not knowing how to be of service, but you don’t have to have all the right answers or know how to help out perfectly. Simply offering to pray, sharing scripture that comes to mind, or finding practical ways to be of service. Offering to babysit, a grocery store run, or mowing their lawn can go a long way. Whether you have noodle arms or paddle strength to spare, we all can grow in our strength in Christ by leaning on each other for encouragement and endurance to keep moving toward a life of faith that glorifies God.
Romans 15: 1-2 states, “We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up.” It continues at verses 5 and 6 saying, “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Image by Solveig Jobbins